ANNOUNCING - Receive Personal Mentoring from David Goddard
as You Travel the Tree of Life…
Dear Friend…
Imagine this...
It’s London, a crisp and cold December evening – Figures appear around a corner, you can see small puffs of their breath as they walk towards their meeting place…
After a short pause, the figures disappear into an open door.
It’s the gathering of a special group of individuals.
They are there to journey to an extraordinary place – It’s a journey to a Temple in the Higher Worlds. Arranging chairs into a circle – everyone sits with a sense of anticipation. Making an invocation – followed by a silence…the journey begins.
…unfolding before each traveler is a view of a world known by few mortal men. The beauty and magnitude – colors, energy, and power – all this and more fills this place…It is the Temple of Malkuth with its floor of variegated square tiles of black and white…The altar in the centre…Where time or space are integrated into a whole and all events are interconnected. The journey begins from this portal to the Upper Worlds...
And picture this – the scene played out over-and-over again – for two and a half-years. Dedicated companions journeying together to the Inner Temples of the Mysteries – “Walkers-between-the-Worlds”…What is commonly known as Pathworking…
So What is Pathworking?
Pathworking is the single most effective way to develop your inner faculties and learn from the Masters of the Upper Worlds. Based on the Tree of Life – the most complete system of Esoteric Wisdom available to the Western psyche – Pathworking follows the symbolic paths of the Tree of Life. You experience each path’s energy and so empower, heal and liberate your spirit.

The Mystical Symbol - Used to Travel the Inner Kingdoms
So What Do You Get From Doing Pathworkings?
Pathworking, done correctly has a series of amazing effects on anyone who faithfully undertakes this process to the end... Including...
Transcend Time and Space
Enhanced the ability to astral project – as it is now commonly know…to disengage and re-engage back into your physical body becomes easier….and so you are able to return to the Astral Temples…to further your specific training and experience deep mystical wisdom;
Release emotional blocks…Healing old spiritual scars
Making lasting connections with Inner Teachers…Who are dedicated to teaching willing students
Refining the human cells….becoming transmitters of higher consciousness
It sharpens mental focus and concentration…by repeated journeying; the exercising of the mind’s astral “muscles” brings about clearer perception and insight...
The Truth is… Pathworking Can Develop the Skill of Astral Projection and Release Latent Astral Ability.
Current Scientific Evidence
Current scientific evidence is coming closer to what the Ageless Wisdom have always taught – recently researchers at Humboldt University in Germany and the Erasmus Medical Center in the Netherlands, have revealed that individual brain cells appear to be more powerful than previously thought.
This is why a Highly Experienced Teacher is so Valuable.
Think of it this way, if you go on a long journey into unknown territory, you would take along an expert guide, who knows the customs and protocol of the place, right?

About David Goddard
David has led six complete Pathworking Cycles over the years. During his 30 years as an initiated Teacher, David has shared with thousands of spiritually minded people the Western Esoteric Wisdom. He has been welcomed all across England, Europe, North America and has been to South Africa in recent years too.
Pathworking sessions are usually not open to the public. But you are not “the public”, by the fact that you are reading this letter; and through the prior connection you’ve made with David and his work.
The Secret Pathways to the Temples of Spirit…
Revealing The Most Precious of All Teachings
Each of the 32 pathways has a different effect on you, helping to clear emotional obstructions. The special energy and astral focus heals a Traveler of old hurts.
Now it is Your Turn!Get the Key to the ‘Temples on High’
But here is the most important part: David’s last series of Pathworkings in London live on… Now your chance has arrived – to become a Walker-between-the-Worlds too.
The Absolute
No mind, no form, I only exist;
Receive direct instructions of the Hidden Wisdoms – the most precious and lasting relationship any human can have.
Higher Worlds – Inner Journeys32 Pathworkings of the Tree of Life
When you decide to join David on this most-epic Spiritual journey through the Upper Worlds, you get:
To follow a tried and tested method passed down the ages.
What not to do when undertaking any Pathworking….PLUS the formula to place each journey under the protection of the Divine Lords of Light.
Steered in the right direction with insights to and feedback on each journey as you progress up through the Inner Temples.
Even more powerful….four ways you can imprint the deep wisdom of each journey onto your subconscious.
Information is strength, Knowledge is Power, BUT Wisdom is Ultimate Control Over Your Destiny
If you have studied Alchemy, Tarot, or the Qabalah – Pathworking will be the EXPERIENCE that you cannot get from theoretical metaphysics.

The Tree Star – Linking the Tree of Life to the Cosmos and with your different aspects.
You can Be a Walkers-between-the-Worlds…with Higher Worlds – Inner Journeys – 32 Pathworkings of the Tree of Life.
Instruct your deep unconscious through the True Wisdom Temples.
Transcend Time and Space;
Make life-long connections with Inner Teachers who can guide and teach you.
Safely Astral Project,
Remove old emotional blocks.
Sharpen your mental focus and…
This is in a One-of-a-Kind collection of Pathworkings:
Higher Worlds – Inner Journeys32 Pathworking of the Tree of Life
by David Goddard
This is in a One-of-a-Kind collection of Pathworkings:
You get Personal instructions directly from David for a full year. He will help your Pathworkings reach their ultimate potential.
The most valuable and transformation part is the relations formed with the Inner Teachers, Angels of Light and Wisdom Masters in the Upper Temples…
You don’t have to travel to London to be part of the Pathworking group.
You set the pace – if you only have time for one Pathworking a month – great. If you have time to do a Pathworking every second week – wow!
You are not alone. Direct access to the Higher Worlds – Inner Journeys Members - Only Private web site where you can ask David Goddard questions about your Pathworking. Or get feedback on your most recent Pathworking experience;
Access additional material for the entire length of your membership.
Apply Today!
All your information is kept in the STRICTEST confidence.
Here are Two Membership Options You can choose from,but only after we’ve processed your application:
The Greatest Value Option
Get access to all 32 Pathworkings immediately and Full Higher Worlds – Inner Journeys membership. All the preparatory material is immediately downloadable.
or the Good Value Option
Get access to the 32 Pathworkings in four separate sets and Full Higher Worlds – Inner Journeys membership.
Simply click on the Blue Button, then enter your name and email address, and complete the entire application form...
There’s no cost to applying today – you will choose your membership option
All your information is kept in the STRICTEST confidence.
*After your successful application – It takes us 24 hours to setup your members-only web site access*
There is no delay – you can start today. You don’t have to stop doing your Pathworkings if David travels abroad to teach or if he goes on retreat. Plus you don’t have to travel to London.
But if you know David and his dedication to bring the sacred teachings of authentic esoteric wisdom to you,I think you will agree this is an unequaled opportunity to receive complete mystical instruction from an initiate of the Western Tradition.
“It was a honor to receive teaching from such an experienced teacher as David.“ Annon
And what is even more fantastic is that you receive personal instruction for a complete year…I urge you: Accept this remarkable offer while we still have places available.
Simply Click the Blue Button. Then enter your name and email address, and complete all the application form questions...
Apply Today
There’s no cost to applying today – you will choose your membership option
All your information is kept in the STRICTEST confidence.
"working with a true adept..."
"...one cannot but be blessed at having the rare possibility of working with a true adept. All earnest seekers of the Light should be aware that these teachings are available here and now." Michel D. Canada
"To EXPERIENCE was the key..."
"The whole experience with David was great!!
To Your Spiritual Future,

Benjamin Philips
P.S. I think a quick run down of the important points will help:
A Full Year of Personal Mentoring by David Goddard.
With proper Pathworking astral projection becomes much easier;
You get these rare instructions... Direct from an Initiated Teacher of the Mysteries
A tried and tested process – passed down through the ages;
You build lasting relationships with Wisdom Masters, Inner Teachers and Angels of Light.
David’s 30 years of teaching experience helps and guides you…step-by-step through the entire process.
There are only 3 places available and I expect places to fill fast…
You are protected by the Rising Phoenix Shield of Protection – if, for whatever reason you don’t agree that Higher Worlds Inner Journeys is the most unique and complete Pathworking System – email me and I will immediately refund your membership fee.
David Goddard is highly versed and experienced in the Qabalah. "…a mature and experienced spiritual teacher. " said Gareth Knight, author of A Practical Guide to Qabalistic Symbolism.
Copyright 2023 - Rising Phoenix Foundation, inc. with David Goddard