ANNOUNCING - Receive Personal Mentoring from David Goddard
as You Travel the Tree of Life…

Dear Friend…

Imagine this...

It’s London, a crisp and cold December evening – Figures appear around a corner, you can see small puffs of their breath as they walk towards their meeting place…

After a short pause, the figures disappear into an open door.

It’s the gathering of a special group of individuals.

They are there to journey to an extraordinary place – It’s a journey to a Temple in the Higher Worlds. Arranging chairs into a circle – everyone sits with a sense of anticipation. Making an invocation – followed by a silence…the journey begins.

           …unfolding before each traveler is a view of a world known by few mortal men. The beauty and magnitude – colors, energy, and power – all this and more fills this place…It is the Temple of Malkuth with its floor of variegated square tiles of black and white…The altar in the centre…Where time or space are integrated into a whole and all events are interconnected. The journey begins from this portal to the Upper Worlds...

And picture this – the scene played out over-and-over again – for two and a half-years. Dedicated companions journeying together to the Inner Temples of the Mysteries – “Walkers-between-the-Worlds”…What is commonly known as Pathworking…

So What is Pathworking?

Pathworking is the single most effective way to develop your inner faculties and learn from the Masters of the Upper Worlds. Based on the Tree of Life – the most complete system of Esoteric Wisdom available to the Western psyche – Pathworking follows the symbolic paths of the Tree of Life. You experience each path’s energy and so empower, heal and liberate your spirit.

      This can happen because each symbolic path has an actual Astral Temple. Constructed by Realized Masters ages ago. In fact, the inspiration for many of the great temples around the world came from these astral temples.

The Mystical Symbol - Used to Travel the Inner Kingdoms

    When you travel each path using its energies and symbolic images – you can enter the astral temples. Here Inner Teachers and Wisdom Masters reside where you forge eternal relationships and so nourish your spiritual core.
     With Pathworking, you follow a systematic process, rising higher and higher into the Upper Temples. Using the method handed down from Teacher to Student over the ages.
    And yet, few instructed Teacher are around to share this specialized teaching. Although many esoteric schools exist, teaching something of the Western Tradition, very few use the advanced level of Pathworking. Sticking rather to metaphysics and some ritual. And those who do undertake Pathworking, generally follow scripted journeys.
     But, when an experienced Teacher – versed in the Wisdom of Qabalah – brings these journeys through spontaneously – the Walkers-between-the-Worlds have an immediate and powerful experience. “They have the fresh imprint of Paradise upon them…”

So What Do You Get From Doing Pathworkings?

Pathworking, done correctly has a series of amazing effects on anyone who faithfully undertakes this process to the end... Including...

  • Transcend Time and Space

  • ​ Enhanced the ability to astral project – as it is now commonly know…to disengage and re-engage back into your physical body becomes easier….and so you are able to return to the Astral Temples…to further your specific training and experience deep mystical wisdom;

  • ​Release emotional blocks…Healing old spiritual scars

  • ​Making lasting connections with Inner Teachers…Who are dedicated to teaching willing students

  • ​Refining the human cells….becoming transmitters of higher consciousness

  • ​It sharpens mental focus and concentration…by repeated journeying; the exercising of the mind’s astral “muscles” brings about clearer perception and insight...

The Truth is… Pathworking Can Develop the Skill of Astral Projection and Release Latent Astral Ability.

Amazing isn’t it?
     Of course, some people think Traveling up the Tree of Life is a simple 1-2-3 process… 

Proceeding in the incorrect sequence or not following Upper World protocol can leave you drained and tired – and actually stunts your Spiritual growth – instead of speeding it up.

Current Scientific Evidence

Current scientific evidence is coming closer to what the Ageless Wisdom have always taught – recently researchers at Humboldt University in Germany and the Erasmus Medical Center in the Netherlands, have revealed that individual brain cells appear to be more powerful than previously thought.

A second research project from the US suggests the computational ability of a brain cell could be even more complex, with different synapses – this means that even if you don’t think you have an “astral cell” in your body – proper training can lead to profound changes – releasing unconscious and hidden powers.

This is why a Highly Experienced Teacher is so Valuable.

Think of it this way, if you go on a long journey into unknown territory, you would take along an expert guide, who knows the customs and protocol of the place, right?

     Sadly, some people – even those with some astral projection skill – just wander around on the astral, looking to meet someone. The trouble is, they often meet dangerous entities masquerading as ‘beings of light’. This can very often lead to mental breakdown or physical illness.
     So Pathworking can be dangerous if you don’t follow the proper guidance from an experienced Teacher.  And this is why Paul Foster Case – a highly respected Teacher – who wrote extensively on Qabalah from 1930 – 1940, said nowhere in his courses would he teach HOW to pathwork the Tree of Life.
     Remember, in the old days Pathworking was only possible by attending an initiated teacher and working within a group of fellow Walkers-between-the-Worlds.
     Because anyone who guides you on such powerful inner journeys, needs deep insight, experience and a thorough knowledge of the Tree of Life. Not many Teachers are qualified to lead Pathworkings properly. Only because of specialized training can such a rare teacher safely guide you to and from the Higher Astral Temples of Learning and Divine teaching. And this is why David Goddard – a fellow Walker-Between-the-Worlds himself – has stepped up to help you reach your divine potential.

About David Goddard

David has led six complete Pathworking Cycles over the years. During his 30 years as an initiated Teacher, David has shared with thousands of spiritually minded people the Western Esoteric Wisdom. He has been welcomed all across England, Europe, North America and has been to South Africa in recent years too.

   He is a respected author of three published books, Sacred Magic of the Angels, (including the follow up course from the Rising Phoenix Foundation - Sacred Angelic Magic), Tower of Alchemy, and Tree of Sapphires. His next book is currently in progress.
   David is the founder and Spiritual Director of the Rising Phoenix Foundation.
   One of David's contemporaries had this to say about him "..a mature and experienced spiritual teacher." And Z'ev ben Shimon Halevi says, "David Goddard is that rare combination of a scholar and practitioner of his subject…"
    Recently, he mentioned how privileged he feels to be able to share these Wisdoms beyond his own group.
David has led 6 groups through the Paths on the Tree of Life in the past 15 years. And is a Walker-between-the-Worlds himself.

     Pathworking sessions are usually not open to the public. But you are not “the public”, by the fact that you are reading this letter; and through the prior connection you’ve made with David and his work.

The Secret Pathways to the Temples of Spirit…
Revealing The Most Precious of All Teachings

Each of the 32 pathways has a different effect on you, helping to clear emotional obstructions. The special energy and astral focus heals a Traveler of old hurts.

    And each Inner Temple – has Wisdom Teachers who go there, and Angels of Light who reside there – to teach anyone that has taken the time and energy to reach it.
     Do you want to connect with the Wisdom Teachers…for your Spiritual well-being?
     When the Upper Temples open up to you – you will experience something of the sheer beauty that mystics write and sing about.
By the end, you will radiate something of the Higher Worlds. You may even have friends asking, “Where have you been?“
    It can Herald a New Spiritual You.
    When you embark on Pathworking, you give yourself The supreme Gift – greater spiritual evolution.

Now it is Your Turn!
Get the Key to the ‘Temples on High’

But here is the most important part: David’s last series of Pathworkings in London live on… Now your chance has arrived – to become a Walker-between-the-Worlds too.

You too can form life-long relationships with the Inner Teachers and Angelic beings.

The Absolute

No mind, no form, I only exist;

Now ceased all will and thought;
The final end of Nature’s dance,
I am it whom I have sought.
A realm of Bliss bare, ultimate;
Beyond both knower and known;
A rest immense I enjoy at last;
I face the One alone.
I have crossed the secret ways of life,
I have become the Goal.
The Truth immutable is revealed;
I am the way, the God Soul.
My spirit aware of all the heights,
I am mute in the core of the Sun.
I barter nothing with time and deeds;
My cosmic play is done.
Sri Chinmoy
“By nature a mystic is able to access a state of consciousness that is beyond the usual awareness of humans”

     Receive direct instructions of the Hidden Wisdoms – the most precious and lasting relationship any human can have.

Higher Worlds – Inner Journeys
32 Pathworkings of the Tree of Life

     When you decide to join David on this most-epic Spiritual journey through the Upper Worlds, you get:

  • To follow a tried and tested method passed down the ages.

  • ​What not to do when undertaking any Pathworking….PLUS the formula to place each journey under the protection of the Divine Lords of Light.

  • ​Steered in the right direction with insights to and feedback on each journey as you progress up through the Inner Temples.

  • ​Even more powerful….four ways you can imprint the deep wisdom of each journey onto your subconscious.

Information is strength, Knowledge is Power, BUT Wisdom is Ultimate Control Over Your Destiny

If you have studied Alchemy, Tarot, or the Qabalah – Pathworking will be the EXPERIENCE that you cannot get from theoretical metaphysics.

    But don’t worry if you haven’t studied all the metaphysics – by direct experience, you plant the seeds of Wisdom in your Soul…And David will be your Guide. He will answer your questions, share advice and helping you reveal the gems from your journeys. And what’s more, David will share further vital teachings which you get the 24/7 Members-Only Private Web site.
    So your insight matures through continued instruction from David.
    Here’s the great part – you can undertake this magnificent process at your own pace. Following some basic guidelines of course. You set the tempo. And you don’t have to travel to London and uproot your schedule to be part of this once-in-a-life-time opportunity.
     This once-in-a-life-time opportunity is one of David’s BIGGEST undertakings. He wishes to share this unfathomable experience with sincere seekers and spiritual practitioners…And understandably, David can only accept a limited number of people right now.
    Therefore, as part of this special introductory invitation, only 2 places are available.
    Sharing these Teachings and Methods, in this way, is unique.
That’s why you won’t find this Complete System of Instruction anywhere else. Combined with David’s personal year-long guidance and help, you can now experience esoteric secrets shared nowhere else…In the history of Western Esoteric Teachings…
     You will NOT find this in any book, or correspondence course through any esoteric school i know of. Not to mention the level of dedication that David shows to anyone who decides to begin the Pathworking process.
      As you may guess, it’s impossible to put a value on the information and guidance you’ll receive as a Higher Worlds – Inner Journeys Member – through your Complete Step-by-Step Pathworking system, David’s year-long commitment to help, guide and assist you. Extra sessions for Questions and Answers; Getting direct feedback on your Pathworking experiences from David; And getting regular extra teachings from David…

The Tree Star – Linking the Tree of Life to the Cosmos and with your different aspects.

     You can Be a Walkers-between-the-Worlds…with Higher Worlds – Inner Journeys – 32 Pathworkings of the Tree of Life.

     Let me share a Simple and over looked Secret – How to extract the nuggets of alchemical gold from your Pathworkings…
     As a member, you will receive The Journal to record every Pathworking experience. Even after just six months of Pathworking, you will be amazed at your progress. Using your journal correctly is a little secret to glean the nuggets of alchemical gold from each Pathworking. You see, when you record your Pathworking experiences, you distill the subtle messages and lessons. Reinforcing it upon your sub-consciousness. And so beginning the transformation from within.
     To sum it all up - You can experience the Upper Worlds in no better way. You get to...
  • Instruct your deep unconscious through the True Wisdom Temples.

  • ​Transcend Time and Space;

  • ​Make life-long connections with Inner Teachers who can guide and teach you.

  • ​Safely Astral Project,

  • ​Remove old emotional blocks.

  • ​Sharpen your mental focus and…

This is in a One-of-a-Kind collection of Pathworkings:

Higher Worlds – Inner Journeys
32 Pathworking of the Tree of Life
by David Goddard

This is in a One-of-a-Kind collection of Pathworkings:

  • You get Personal instructions directly from David for a full year. He will help your Pathworkings reach their ultimate potential.

  • ​The most valuable and transformation part is the relations formed with the Inner Teachers, Angels of Light and Wisdom Masters in the Upper Temples…

  • ​You don’t have to travel to London to be part of the Pathworking group.

  • ​You set the pace – if you only have time for one Pathworking a month – great. If you have time to do a Pathworking every second week – wow!

  • ​You are not alone. Direct access to the Higher Worlds – Inner Journeys Members - Only Private web site where you can ask David Goddard questions about your Pathworking. Or get feedback on your most recent Pathworking experience;

  • ​Access additional material for the entire length of your membership.

Apply Today!

    Complete the short application to join the Higher Worlds – Inner Journeys today! There are fifteen brief questions that help us understand you better – David reviews these and then I will email you – usually within 5 days…
    Click on the link, then Enter your name and primary email address and complete the entire application form.

All your information is kept in the STRICTEST confidence.

NOTHING will ever be shared with anyone.

Here are Two Membership Options You can choose from,
but only after we’ve processed your application:

The Greatest Value Option


Get access to all 32 Pathworkings immediately and Full Higher Worlds – Inner Journeys membership. All the preparatory material is immediately downloadable.

    You get personal mentoring with David Goddard as you progress through the Pathworkings.
    You simply make an appointment. And you and David will have telephonic one-on-one mentoring sessions for each Pathworking. Mentoring is tailored around you individually. David uses his deep insight when working with you so you gain the most from his wisdom.
    This includes private email support directly with David between telephonic mentoring sessions.
    PLUS the 24/7 Members-Only Private Web Site.  Where you can post questions for David, and get feedback on each Pathworking Journey. You get your own Higher Worlds – Inner Journeys Journal – to distill gems from your Journeys to the Upper Worlds. 
     You could be forgiven for thinking this level of direct access to David would cost $10,000. 
     But for a very limited time...
    Your full and immediate access to the Complete Higher Worlds Inner Journeys was $5,500.00, now it's only $4,597. * (You save $903!)
    * You can pick your preferred payment option after we’ve approved and processed your application.

or the Good Value Option

Get access to the 32 Pathworkings in four separate sets and Full Higher Worlds – Inner Journeys membership.

And you get telephonic consultations with David Goddard about your Pathworkings. Simply make an appointment.
PLUS the 24/7 Members-Only Private Web Site. Questions & Answers, and Journal Feedback. You get your own Higher Worlds – Inner Journeys Journal – to distill gems from your Journeys to the Upper Worlds.
For the very reasonable first installment of $1,149.25*, you can activate your Higher Worlds – Inner Journeys membership. Then over the course of the coming year, we’ll bill your credit card ($1,149.25 three more times)…Yet you start receiving all the benefits it entitles you to – immediately.
* You can pick your preferred payment option after we’ve approved and processed your application.

Simply click on the Blue Button, then enter your name and email address, and complete the entire application form...

There’s no cost to applying today – you will choose your membership option

All your information is kept in the STRICTEST confidence.

NOTHING will ever be shared with anyone.

*After your successful application – It takes us 24 hours to setup your members-only web site access*

    There is no delay – you can start today. You don’t have to stop doing your Pathworkings if David travels abroad to teach or if he goes on retreat. Plus you don’t have to travel to London.

In essence, you can be a Walker-between-the-Worlds without leaving your home if you like. All that is required is a little discipline – you already have everything else – the Information, the Knowledge and the Power.
Of course, this may be a big step for you. That is why I make you the following promise:
You must be delighted with the Higher Worlds – Inner Journeys – 32 Pathworkings on the Tree of Life – The way you get expert advice and guidance from David as you follow this unique and complete Pathworking System – available nowhere else – saving you time on top of it.
If, in the very unlikely event that you do not agree –You are protected by the Rising Phoenix Shield of Protection guarantee. Simply email me within the next 60 days and I will rush you a refund. All you need to return is the box set we sent you – but you keep your Journal as our thanks.

But if you know David and his dedication to bring the sacred teachings of authentic esoteric wisdom to you,I think you will agree this is an unequaled opportunity to receive complete mystical instruction from an initiate of the Western Tradition.

“It was a honor to receive teaching from such an experienced teacher as David.“ Annon

   And what is even more fantastic is that you receive personal instruction for a complete year…I urge you: Accept this remarkable offer while we still have places available.

    I look forward to welcoming you to the Higher World Inner Journeys Membership circle of companions...

Simply Click the Blue Button. Then enter your name and email address, and complete all the application form questions...

Apply Today

There’s no cost to applying today – you will choose your membership option

All your information is kept in the STRICTEST confidence.

NOTHING will ever be shared with anyone.

"working with a true adept..."

    " cannot but be blessed at having the rare possibility of working with a true adept. All earnest seekers of the Light should be aware that these teachings are available here and now." Michel D. Canada

"To EXPERIENCE was the key..."

   "The whole experience with David was great!! 

   To EXPERIENCE was the key for me - totally different from reading/ thinking/ studying information!!!" L N South Africa

To Your Spiritual Future,

Benjamin Philips

Rising Phoenix Foundation Co-Founder
Editor & Fellow Walker-between-the-Worlds

       P.S. I think a quick run down of the important points will help:

  • A Full Year of Personal Mentoring by David Goddard.

  • With proper Pathworking astral projection becomes much easier;

  • You get these rare instructions... Direct from an Initiated Teacher of the Mysteries

  • ​A tried and tested process – passed down through the ages;

  • ​You build lasting relationships with Wisdom Masters, Inner Teachers and Angels of Light.

  • ​David’s 30 years of teaching experience helps and guides you…step-by-step through the entire process.

  • ​There are only 3 places available and I expect places to fill fast…

  • ​You are protected by the Rising Phoenix Shield of Protection – if, for whatever reason you don’t agree that Higher Worlds Inner Journeys is the most unique and complete Pathworking System – email me and I will immediately refund your membership fee.

David Goddard is highly versed and experienced in the Qabalah. "…a mature and experienced spiritual teacher. " said Gareth Knight, author of A Practical Guide to Qabalistic Symbolism.

Copyright 2023 - Rising Phoenix Foundation, inc. with David Goddard

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