JUST $179.00 TODAY!
If You Want To Benefit From Having A SHIELD OF LIGHT Amulet As Your Magical Armor, Please Apply Today And Have A SHIELD OF LIGHT Amulet Set Aside For You.
Because Of The Limited Quantities, I Must Limit The Number Of SHIELD OF LIGHT Amulets To, Two Per Home. Right Now, Because Of The Energetic Effort Required, David Is Only Willing To Consecrate 72 SHIELD OF LIGHT Amulets.
If You’re Worried About The State Of Our World – Both Spiritually And Physically – And If You’re Concerned About People Trying To Harm You, Or Your Family…Protection Is Here…
But Instead Of You Having To Spend Hours Doing Special Rituals Or Invoking Various Protective Energies; Or Devote Yourself To Years Of Spiritual Study.
There’s An Easier Way…
If You Could Rely On Deep Spiritual Knowledge To Give You Protection – Body, Mind And Soul; And If All You Had To Do Was Be Within The Energetic And Etheric Orbit To Have This Sacred Protection Guarding You…
You’d Have Universal Protection Beamed Down Onto You. And You’re Probably Within The SHIELD OF LIGHT’s Protective Aura.
Once the entire consecration process is complete, your SHIELD OF LIGHT Amulet will ship to you, anywhere in the world, free of charge (Please note, customs duties may apply if you live outside the USA.)
spacer1Typically, the energetic-offering required to get David to prepare an amulet as special as the SHIELD OF LIGHT would run into the multiple-hundreds of dollars – $700 to $1,000. But because David managed to come to good terms with the craft person making the body of the amulet, you’re not having to invest hundreds of dollars. In fact, you’re don’t even have to invest half of what it would typically cost.
But let me quickly tell you more about your SHIELD OF LIGHT Amulet
The SHIELD OF LIGHT Amulet weighs about 1 ounce and fits easily into your palm. It’s primarily prepared from metals. The essential sacred symbols are embedded into the SHIELD OF LIGHT. And a handy ringlet lets you wear the SHIELD OF LIGHT around your neck. You can fit your preferred fabric or chain to suit your style of dress and level of daily activity.
Plus, I’m shipping your SHIELD OF LIGHT in a lovely velvet case to protect it whenever you do need to set it aside, like when you take a bath or shower. Remember, you pay nothing to get the SHIELD OF LIGHT shipped to you.
Caution: Because of the very limited number of SHIELD OF LIGHT Amulets David’s prepared, I can’t offer any replacements. Of course, I’m going to make sure that your SHIELD OF LIGHT is carefully shipped, but once you’ve received your SHIELD OF LIGHT Amulet, you will need to take the necessary responsibly to take care of it.
Your Amulet must be treated with respect
CARING FOR YOUR AMULET:It is a sacred object and is a physical representation of a higher power.
Do not leave your amulet in water. If it gets wet due to rain or if you accidentally fall into a pool or lake, don’t worry.
But don’t put your amulet in a washing machine.
Cleaning your amulet: Wipe with a clean wet cloth. Dry properly.
When you are not wearing your Amulet, or you are taking a bath or shower, you can place it in your sacred space. This helps to maintain its connection to you.
One thing to avoid is lending your Amulet to someone else, unless you are giving it as a gift. Otherwise, consider your Amulet as part of your personal, spiritual armor.
The Rising Phoenix Foundation was established in 2005 by David Goddard (Spiritual Teacher and Author) and Benjamin Philips. Since then the Rising Phoenix Foundation has served people all around the world who are interested in the Paranormal, Occult and Ageless Wisdom. From topics on Kabbalah, Spiritual Alchemy, Sacred Magic, Ritual Magic, Angelic Magic, Tarot, Meditation and much more. Join our community today.
(c) Copyright 2005-2020 Rising Phoenix Foundation, Inc with David Goddard, Terms and Conditions