"Handbook of Psychic Self-Defense is a serious workbook for anyone having to deal with the powers of evil. The causes, symptoms, and signs of psychic attack are clearly explained in this authoritative text. This textbook is the fruit of the author's decades of experience in combating the dark forces. The value of this book lies in the spiritual armory that it shares with the reader so they are able to defend themselves and their loved ones."
- Paul. London, U.K.
"Not second-hand knowledge pirated from suspect sources, but first-hand wisdom gleaned from courageous life-experience. This compendium of psychic protection not only showcases relevant and empowering techniques, it provides a sobering glimpse behind the curtain through real life case studies of Holy intervention. Having practiced several of the techniques, I can vouch for the efficacy of what has been shared in this book. I cannot recommend this enough."
- Anonymous. New York
"How To Protect Yourself Against Psychic Attack?"
Dear Reader,
If you confront a Psychic Attacker, will you know what to do? Most people don’t! But today that’s about to change…
Because the cure for a psychic attack is now within your reach. But you need to act today. And I’ll tell you how in a minute. First, let me explain why you should pay attention to this spiritual warning....
Psychic Attack is on the INCREASE. You see, now you can protect yourself with this ONE OF A KIND PSYCHIC PROTECTION GUIDE by David Goddard. David is an exorcist with over 30-years’ experience.
And David has noticed that psychic attacks (and their various manifestations) are increasing worldwide. So knowing how to protect yourself and your family is becoming critical. This information was common knowledge amongst tribal people, ages ago. But as our societies lost our connection to the spiritual realm over time, we have also opened ourselves up to all kinds of bizarre psychic attacks.
The scariest part is people are putting themselves up for hire, like assassins do, to attack other people for a price. So...
"Don't be a Victim..."You can protect yourself with with mystical wisdom (only shared inside mystical schools – since these are the only people usually open to discovering the forgotten sciences of spiritual protection.)
Today, you can discover the same Psychic Self-Defense methods, previously only shared with initiates of these sacred mystery schools.
But why is this information coming out now?
Psychic Attack Can Happen To Anyone
But to-date, the know-how was kept a 'secret'... Until now...
It’s becoming critical for people everywhere to start protecting themselves on the spiritual plane, as much as they do on the physical plane. And your chance to protect yourself and your family is here today.
Reserve your copy of David Goddard’s Handbook of Psychic Self-Defense (and only pay for the printing and shipping - but more on that in a moment...)
In The Handbook of Psychic Self-Defense, you will discover vital tools and methods for psychic self-protection.

The Rising Phoenix Foundation was established in 2005 by David Goddard (Spiritual Teacher and Author) and Benjamin Philips. Since then the Rising Phoenix Foundation has served people all around the world who are interested in the Paranormal, Occult and Ageless Wisdom. From topics on Kabbalah, Spiritual Alchemy, Sacred Magic, Ritual Magic, Angelic Magic, Tarot, Meditation and much more. Join our community today.
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