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The Angelic 911

“How a Half-blind Boy was Cured from Scary Tumor - 
The Amazing (but True) Story of Angelic Healing… and other astonishing facts about the Sacred Beings called Angels…”

The news was devastating.


     “Your son has a dangerous tumor Madam,” said the tired looking doctor to Sara Gomez* (Name changed for privacy)
     Sara wept.
     Years before, Sara’s son (Kurt) was injured leaving him partially blind for life.
The news of the cancerous tumor was almost too much to handle.
     Desperately Sara started looking for an answer.
She prayed (and cried).
     Then, a few days after Kurt’s diagnosis, Sara went to a bookshop to find something to read. Get her mind off things, she thought.
     There she came across a book. It promised healing.
And it showed her the precise way to ask for this healing.
     Could this be the answer? 
Hope, maybe?
Sara had nothing to lose.
     And immediately Sara acted.
     She carefully read the instructions. And then did as instructed.
     The book explained how she would know if her request was successfully ‘heard’.
     Amazingly, the signs soon followed Sara’s request.
     Again Sara wept – but this time for joy.
    Two weeks later, Kurt was due for another scan.
    Sara was scarred. Scarred and shaking with worry.
The 45-minute scan felt like an eternity.
     The doctor came into the waiting room.
     But he looked confused. He was frowning, looking around as if he lost something…
Shaking his head he said:
     “I don’t know how. I can’t explain it. It doesn’t make any medical sense, but… but Kurt’s tumor is GONE!”
     Sara jumped from her seat and embraced the doctor and they hugged and laughed and cried…
    How could it be!?
From the Desk of Benjamin Philips
London, UK, Saturday, 9:45
Dear Reader:
     I admit, even though it seems too good to be true – because my own ‘logic’ demanded, “how can this be true!?” – I’ve personally known people who’ve had similar miracles brightening their lives.

Hard as it is to believe!
      Especially, when my logic says it’s impossible.
      When I see the results with my own eye, there is no other explanation than to admit, “This is a miracle!”
     There are Miracles turning the impossible into the possible. 
     Just like Pedro in Portugal - 15-year old Pedro’s mother suffered from severe back pain. Together they invoked Archangel Michael for help. And almost instantly his mum’s back pain started to ease, eventually disappearing…

And It’s Not Just Health Issues That Are Cured

     Even after Clair* broke the ‘rules’ when calling the Angels, the angels still saved her home from repossession.


     At the court hearing, the judge said he didn’t see why this lady (Clair) had to find herself on the street. And he overturned the bank’s claim to take her home.
     You see, the Angelic Realm takes care of our human realm – they are our guardians. And because of their function, they have access to infinite powers – to Miracles and the Angels are ready to help us.
If only we ask.
     And that’s precisely what Sara, Pedro and Clair did.
    The same Angelic system Sara, Pedro and Clair used, is used throughout the world (and has been used for centuries in fact.)
     It’s a simple and easy way to help you ask the Sacred Angels for help.
Just like the next example I got back in 2007…
     "About six years ago I performed the steps outlined. I adhered to all the details and the times set forth in the instruction including the proper day of the week, Thursday, in this case…
In the text, there are indicators (to look for) in the days following...
    A bee was one such indicator. And had been in my case. In fact, one (bee) did show up in a prominent way. It is remarkable, though, that within days of performing the ritual, the very thing being sought (a position in my niche profession) was presented in its most ideal form, at the most ideal institution, without any effort or searching on my part.
     Without intending to accomplish anything beyond attending a professional gathering – a luncheon meeting, really – I walked into the room and was promptly told by one of the hosts that her institution had for several months been looking for an employee with my title and credentials to fill an empty spot.
     She asked me to please consider sharing my resume. I did and was hired a week later."  Jack*, Tenn. USA.
     Here’s another illustrations of the Angelic Powers…

Drawing from Angelic Cash Machine?

     This master craftsman, Alfred* doesn’t buy tools – instead he draws from Universal Bank of Angelic Wealth. And because he knows the ‘secret’ code, his shop is filled with every tool he needs to do a wonderful job for his clients. 

     He asks the Angels to help him get the most suitable, and best equipment – just right for him. And they gladly do. Because the Angels want to help us. If only we ask.


     And this brings me to an important point. People often ask me why don’t the Angels just help? Why must we as humans ask for help?


     The answer is pretty simple – It’s called free will. The Angelic Realm is prevented from interfering. It’s up to you and me to ASK for help.


     To show how important it is to ask…Here’s a story I heard about in 2009 

How to Sell “Impossible to Sell” Land

     Jay and Tom owned land in a remote part of California. But because of health issues, they wanted to sell the land. They wanted to move closer to doctors and much needed medical care.


     The only problem was, the entire real-estate market had just collapsed in the USA. California in particular, was badly hit. Jay and Tom contacted David, asking for his advice. As usual, David suggested asking the Sacred Angels for help.
     Jay and Tom carefully followed the steps. Asking the Great Angels to step in and help.
     The next day, a real estate agent came by. To Jay and Tom’s disappointment the real estate agent said they would be lucky to get half of the true value for the land, with all its buildings. The market was that bad.
     But later the same day (after the estate agent meeting), Jay got the first Angelic sign. Shouting and screamed for Tom to quickly come see.
     After Tom confirmed the sign, Jay decided to call the estate agent and said to go ahead with the listing – with their ‘hoped for price’. They wanted to sell. But the estate agent warned again, saying it would be nearly impossible to sell the land at that price. But Jay insisted.
     A week passed and then the estate agent got a call from an out-of-town buyer. He saw the ad. And he wanted to buy as quickly as possible – it was exactly what he was looking for.
    Within a week the entire deal was closed.
     It’s still not clear who was more stunned, Jay and Tom or their estate agent. But everyone was thrilled to bits.
     And not only does the Sacred Angels help with money issues. In fact, the same Angel also helps in legal disputes. Here’s a story I recently got from Brian in the UK.

“Justice Was Served”

     The big corporation just would not agree – they refused to replace, or even repair the faulty washing machine they supplied Brian.
     So, when the case ended up in court, Brian asked the Angel ruling Justice (Angel Sachiel) to please help.
     The court judge over-ruled the corporation’s claim (that Brian had to buy another machine) – in truth, the judge practically interrupted the corporation’s lawyer mid-sentence. Ordering them to replace the faulty washing machine they supplied Brian!
     And here’s a story of my personal discover of the Angel’s Magic…

My Own Story

     When I first came across Sacred Magic of the Angels, I didn’t believe it would work. When I was younger, I tried the magic from the old Grimores.
     And nothing happened.
     It all seemed like a fantasy! Something that once used to work, maybe. But not anymore, not in this ‘modern’ world.
     So when I picked up Sacred Magic of the Angels, I recognized many of the symbols and elements from the ancient books of my youth, like “The Key of Salomon”. I thought to myself, “Yea right, another fantasy!”
    But was I WRONG!
     At the time, I was struggling to pay rent. Work was scarce.
     I became desperate - So finally, I picked up the book and I followed the incredibly clear and simple steps – the complete opposite to those old grimores with their confusing, complicated and hidden meanings.
     I did a call upon the Angel of Wealth. (Angel Sachiel)
     To my absolute shock, I got one, then two, then three “Angelic signs”! Just like Sacred Magic of the Angels said I would. That same week!
     Of course, I carried on looking for work. In the past I felt like every turn I made was blocked – doors were closed. But now it seemed like doors were suddenly opening – old clients needed urgent work done. And people who in the past couldn’t meet me, were calling ME!
     Abruptly, and without notice I had more work in one month than I did the entire year. Believe me when I say, I had a really big smile on my face. And from them on I knew where to turn.
It’s the same with almost everyone I now meet.
     Working with the Angels changes people’s lives. Not only do you appreciate the little things. Life has meaning, purpose and yes, there is HOPE.
     But not merely hope – RESULTS. Like Alfred whom I met back in 2004…

Impossible? Saved from a Loveless Life?

This lovely man – whom I met in 2004 while traveling – wanted genuine love.
     And after years of being alone and single, Alfred (who asked me to kindly change his name) yearned for someone special in his life.
    Thanks to Angel Haniel (and Alfred’s petition to this Angel) Alfred fearlessly stepped into the unknown. Alfred found a loving relationship through a chance meeting. Alfred knew he could take the leap of faith needed, thanks to Angel Haniel’s positive signs.
     It gave Alfred the courage to overcome the complications standing in loves way. He is  now with a mutually loving partner. Something he never imagined possible only a few years ago.
    You see Alfred was show this simple, secret system to calling and asking the Angels for help.
     And asking the Angels for help is actually far simpler and easier than you can ever imagine.
     For example, you don’t need any sort of long arduous training.
     And you certainly don’t have to belong to any sort of organization (although some people will try convincing you to join their “occult group” before you can use the Sacred Magic – that’s just nonsense.)
     In fact, I know atheists who’ve used this Sacred Magic. Muslim friends have used it. American Indians, Asian Buddhists, Bishops and Priests of all denominations (Protestant, Catholic, Baptist) and on and on.
     This system to communicate with the Sacred Angels doesn’t require you to believe or belong to anything! And it is easy, in most cases quick. And clear-cut.
    Let me repeat, you don’t even have to even believe it’s probable or even possible. I know this to be true for myself.
    Take for example Paul’s story.
     Paul was very suspicious of this “magic” stuff.
     He regarded it as possibly even evil.
     But Paul had a legitimate need. He was looking after 2 small children, left under his care.
     And Paul didn’t have enough money to feed, clothe and also get his apartment ready for two kids! He needed bunk beds to start with.
     So, Paul decided to test this “system of magic.”
     He followed the steps outlined. And 5 days later Paul got an ‘Angelic sign’. An unexpected, but synchronistic event (as detailed in the Sacred System). Paul initially wrote it off as just a coincidence.
    Then, a week later, a Charity in the area called Paul to check if he wanted 6 bunk beds… “Six!?” he said. “I just need 2!”

“It was like Magic…” he told me

From that day on, Paul uses Sacred Angelic Magic for all kinds of things.
    But let me tell you a bit more about the Sacred Angels...
    There are only specific angels you and I can ask help from.
    Seven major ones.
    These Angels are “The Teaching Angels”. It’s through the Teach Angels that all these miracles happen.
     Each of the Teaching Angels has a specific Rulership. The rulership that gives the Angel powers to take care of specific issues. For example, Archangel Michael helps us with very specific problems. One of the problems Archangel Michael helps with is healing the back and nervous system.
     Just the kind of health problems that faced Bob. Bob’s daughter sent this astonishing story–

Man Doomed “Never To Walk Again” Cured And

Strolls Down Isle At Daughter's Wedding
     It was fantastic to see – Bob, in his suit – standing at the entrance to the wedding hall. His daughter by his side – both looking beautiful, both smiling.
    But nothing could take away the awe and inspiration everyone felt seeing Bob, look to his daughter – wink at her - and taking that first step.
    He walked – strolled, slowly and sure-footed – HE COULD WALK!
    It was a miracle! Or was it?
   Six months earlier, Doctors said to Bob and to his family that he “would never walk again”.
The car accident “destroyed the nerves to his legs…”
     Bob lay there, listening to the judgment passed on him. But Bob vowed to fight. Plus, he had a ‘secret weapon’.
    Bob knew that Archangel Michael ruled over the back and spine.
     So, on a quiet Sunday morning – while still in Hospital - before the nurses and visitors started coming around.
     Bob took out a sacred guide – his “secret weapon to fight a life of suffering”. (His daughter left it for him at his bedside the day before.)
    Turning to the Archangel Michael section. Bob followed the instructions to petition the Archangel for help.
    By the time the nurse brought Bob coffee, he was done.
    Not long after that, the first signs appeared – letting Bob know that his petition was ‘heard and accepted’.
     Bob was a professional. No one of his family knew the source of Bob’s strength. They certainly would never have guessed Bob ‘communicated with Angels.’ But Bob had the Angels taking care of him all the way. 
    Or what about James in California.

Bed-ridden and living on liquids,
until he met the Archangel of Healing

     James was confined to ‘eating’ liquids. The lining inside his stomach was nearly gone. And this caused endless suffering. Leaving James bedridden for days. With barely enough energy to stand up. He’d lost all hope of finding any cure for his ailment.
     Wanting to cheer James up, a friend convinced him to go on a road trip. It wouldn’t be a long trip, but it will be beautiful that time of the year.
     So off they want. James struggling all the way. Then, at a gas station, James and his friend heard about David Goddard. And he was in town. David knew how to contact the healing Angels.
     Immediately James and his friend decided to stay and meet David. To ask his help. Two days later they met David. And he suggested doing a special call – a petition – to the Archangel of Healing.
Signs appeared almost immediately.
     Once home James was back in bed, reading the newspaper as he usually did, when a news story got his attention. A world renowned Doctor who had successfully helped people just like him was in his town. After frantic calls, James managed to get an appointment. And later a date was set for surgery. Today, James can travel long distances. Enjoy life. Meet people and lead a normal life. All thanks to the Sacred, Mysterious Healing Science of the Angels.

But this secret System of Magic almost didn’t reach all these people:

    You see there are clans (some would say cults) who attacked David Goddard – the person responsible for sharing this Sacred Magic. They tried to discredit him and intimidate sincere people – trying to prevent this information from getting out. They wanted to keep this sacred system (open to and for everyone) to themselves. They tried to claim the system was theirs only.

     Their view is – you and I don’t deserve this secret system. Now I don’t know about you, but I think it’s arrogant that anyone could claim the Angel’s Magic belongs to them. Especially since this system came to humanity thanks to the Great Archangel Uriel. In fact, I think it’s downright absurd. The biggest absurdity is how these groups would pollute this sacred system by adding all sorts of grey and suspect (even downright dangerous) ‘magic’. 

     Of course, all the Angelic power disappeared. Because the Angels would not support this dark magic.
     These same groups may try to prevent you from getting this vital information.

More Healing by the Angels...

     Another example of the Angel’s healing power comes from Cat, in Arizona.
     Cat’s son sadly, and unexpectedly died.
     As a grieving mother, Cat found Peace thanks to the Angels. Today, she feels the “Beings of Light” present and by her side – Everyday.
     As you can see – there are many amazing facts about the Sacred Angels.
     Take as another inspiring example of a small religious community in Wisconsin. They depend on the Sacred Angels to meet all their legitimate needs.
     All of their health-issues are healed, and their day-to-day wants met - all by using the Sacred Angelic system.
     One fateful day the community’s old, beat-up truck ‘died’ – so they petitioned through Angel Sachiel for a new vehicle. . . .
     At the same time the community was due to stock up with supplies. But instead of relying on their trusty truck they had to use public transport to get to the nearest store, 20 miles away.
    The appointed members of the community arrived at the store and as they walked through the store entrance, alarms and lights went off!
     Shocked, they stood at the entrance, frantically looking around – fearing they did something wrong! They stood frozen as the store manager came running towards them - grinning.
     The manager reached out his hand and shook the hands of all the members. 
     “You are the store’s ‘one-millionth customer’ and you just won a mystery prize!” shouted the manager so everyone in earshot could hear.
     And with a wave of his hands, the store managed pointed to …

A Brand-new Cherokee truck!

     And as I’ve hinted to, all this is achieved through a special publication called, THE SACRED MAGIC OF THE ANGELS.

“Not just a book – a Manual for Life…”

Called “…the Most Authoritative, Clear and Helpful Guide to Anyone seeking True Angelic Help…”

About David Goddard

He is an esteemed Lineage Holder of the Western Tradition.

He is a teacher of the mystical sciences for over 3 decades.
As an initiate and recognized teacher, David has committed his life to sharing the ancient technology of transformation. Helping sincere seekers discover sacred knowledge, wisdom, happiness and joy.
It was the same sacred technology that touched David’s life at a young age. Growing up in London’s East End, the angels helped protect him from the roaming street gangs.
At this young age, a Sage showed David how the Western Sacred Technology had three major components - Theurgy, Alchemy, and Qabalah.
What followed was years secretly studying these major fields - Theurgy, Alchemy and Qabalah. Because he was too young to enter any Esoteric schools, his ever-watchful Sage guided him. Being especially gifted, David absorbed not only the sacred sciences, but learnt from his Sage’s wisdom.
Since then, David became the Lineage Holder of the Western Esoteric Tradition. Showing thousands of seekers and students how to apply these practical and mystical technologies. Helping to overcome life’s challenges and to connect to the true, deeper meaning of life.
Today, David gently guides seekers and practitioners through their journey into the NOW. The NOW is cosmic consciousness – where you discover your own cosmic consciousness – your own infinite potential.
David helps you to achieve this state so you can move beyond self-defeating limitations. Overcoming esoteric and spiritual roadblocks. Wiping away hidden, hurtful, dark and damaging emotions.
Showing you how to live your life – filled with Love, Grace, Ease and Lightness and hope.
As a trusted teacher to hundreds of students, David wants to share the Mysteries to Life with you.
With his expert guidance to these Esoteric Mysteries. And your sincere commitment to Life, Love and Happiness. You will see spectacular results.

     All the steps in this secret magical system appears in the New and Improved, Expanded Gold Edition of THE SACRED MAGIC OF THE ANGELS.


     Improved you ask?
     Yes, improved.
     See, when the first edition came out in 1996, the biggest problem people faced was the symbolism and magical devices weren’t very clear.
     So in this new edition, every single symbol and device is crisp and clear. No confusion.
     In addition, David put more teaching into this guide. To help clarify even more, what was in the first edition.
    And since the first edition is no longer available (unless you’re willing to pay $500 -£300- for a second-hand copy) – This new edition comes as a timely blessing to thousands of sincere seekers.
     I’ve been getting emails weekly, asking how to get a copy of this guidebook…

The Word Is Out

     The requests keep coming for this guide because the word is out. 

     The only way to get true results. Miracles. Cures. Finally connecting with the cosmic Angelic powers, is through THE SACRED MAGIC OF THE ANGELS.


     Naturally, THE SACRED MAGIC OF THE ANGELS can’t do anything about the past. But it can surely help you prevent future pain and suffering.
     But I will need your help. 
     You’ll need to make the next step. 
     You may disqualify yourself – you may convince yourself that this isn’t for you because of some reason or the other. Don’t! I nearly made that same mistake almost 10 years ago. I don’t know your situation. But what I do know for certain – with absolute certainty – this is A LIFE CHANGING DECISION – FOR YOU.
      It’s easy to wish and hope… It costs nothing and makes you feel good but unfortunately it doesn’t give results.


     Now as I’ve mentioned, the first edition is being sold on Amazon (as I’m writing this) for nearly $600! The good news is the new and improved, Expanded Gold Edition of THE SACRED MAGIC OF THE ANGELS won’t be $600. Or even $250.


    But let me say one thing before I carry on.
    What makes this edition of THE SACRED MAGIC OF THE ANGELS even more special is this:
    David Goddard - an initiated Teacher of the Western Esoteric Tradition - has added a unique FREE BONUS to this Manual. 
    Taken from his library of authentic and rare teaching materials, David is GIVING you personally guided Sacred Angelic Meditations, for FREE ($25 value).
    Some never before heard magical meditations and methods to call the Angelic Powers.
    But maybe you have a question.
    Usually, I’m asked a whole bunch of valid questions – and here are some:
** Question: I’ve never done any kind of magic. Can I use it?
** Question: How many Angels do I need to learn about before I can use this Sacred System?
** Question: I’m not religious – will it work for me?
** Question: My religion doesn’t talk about magic, can I use it?
** Question: I always thought ‘magic’ is evil?
** Question: Does this magic really work?
** Question: What problems will this magic help overcome and cure?
** Question: Do I need faith or believe in this magic for it to work?
Question: I’ve never done any kind of magic. Can I use it?
     Answer: Yes, absolutely, THE SACRED MAGIC OF THE ANGELS is so simple and easy – and SAFE – even a child can use it. It’s also the one magic that can’t be used for evil.
Question: How many Angels do I need to learn about before I can use this Sacred System?
     Answer: You don’t have to learn anything. Everything you need to know is in THE SACRED MAGIC OF THE ANGELS. You don’t have to study for years in isolation either. Just turn to the relevant section. And follow the steps.
Question: I’m not religious – will it work for me?
     Answer: Quite a few people think they have to be devoutly religious to use this safe system of magic. But it just isn’t so. I’ve met agnostics, atheists who successfully used it. Hard-nosed businessmen and woman regularly consult David to help with their businesses. They want to succeed. But don’t want to sell their souls in order to win.
     One particular case I heard about in 2003, was of a desperate businessman in South Africa. He was so deep in debt, so fearful of loosing everything that he started looking at dark, sinister black magic and animal sacrifice for help. He’d have to give his soul to safe his business. Luckily, a friend told this man about THE SACRED MAGIC OF THE ANGELS. And within a few months, not only was this man’s business back up and running. Now, he has eternal peace of mind.
Question: My religion doesn’t talk about magic, can I use it?
     Answer: There is no limit to who the Sacred Angels will serve. Man, woman, child, animal, even plants. Rest assured, you do not have to disqualify yourself from the Miracle of Life. Sacred Magic is for anyone who needs help.
Question: I always thought ‘magic’ is evil?
     Answer: There is magic that’s evil. It’s magic with a little ‘m’. Manipulating universal forces to momentarily gain an advantage. And usually, there’s no moral to this magic. It’s violent and there are no rules. This also means, that when the dark forces wants a piece of the person who’s used them, they can’t refuse.
THE SACRED MAGIC OF THE ANGELS does not allow, no, let me rephrase, cannot EVER be used for evil. The Sacred Angels loathe violence. And will always find ways to avoid violence.
Question: Does this magic really work?
     Answer: I can only tell you from my own experience, and from the stories people send in every day, that yes, it does work.
     There are steps and detailed instruction. Outlining what to avoid – like fooling yourself. And this is usually the only reason why this Magic does not work. People either stubbornly want to do their own thing. Or they sabotage any chances the Angels have to help. After all, in the end we have Free Will. It’s up to us. We can cooperate with the Angels. Or we can try go at it alone.
Question: What problems will this magic help overcome and cure?
      Answer: THE SACRED MAGIC OF THE ANGELS shows you many ways to overcome nearly every problem you could face in life.
  • Love troubles (with friends, family, lover or partner)… see page 102, 146

  • How to overcome Money worries… turn to page 101, 141

  • Which Angel rules what specific Health concerns – and how to specifically ask for healing… Page 77-89 reveals all..

  • ​How to tackle legal problems? Page 141

  • ​Feeling unsafe? This angel gives you 24/7 security – page 143

  • ​And so much more... any legitimate need you have, the Angels can help...

With the Angels, all things are possible

     Today, you can have THE SACRED MAGIC OF THE ANGELS to help you with every aspect of life. Instead of trying to hunt down a second hand copy of the first edition (costing in excess of $500), you only need make a tiny investment and THE SACRED MAGIC OF THE ANGELS is your. Along with David’s FREE BONUS GIFTS. For the low, Introductory investment of $9.97 (valid for USA Mailing addresses - Extra postage applies to shipping addresses outside the USA.)
     And I personally guarantee THE SACRED MAGIC OF THE ANGELS. If it’s not nearly as crisp and clear as I’ve said it is. 
     Or if you find these Powerful Sacred Angelic meditations are the same as all the other tired meditations out there. Simply return THE SACRED MAGIC OF THE ANGELS – you keep the Free Bonus. And I’ll rush you a full refund of your investment (less the shipping & handling).
     You also have the Rising Phoenix Foundation’s SHIELD OF PROTECTION Guarantee – keeping you safe.
I’m so confident in the New and Improved, Expanded Gold Edition of THE SACRED MAGIC OF THE ANGELS – that I’m putting my money where my mouth is.
      Don’t delay, THE SACRED MAGIC OF THE ANGELS isn’t manufactured by some large-scale publishing house. (We’re a small organization with limited space and only a few hands to help pack and post everything.) So there are only 500 manuscripts available. 

To get yours now, click here –

      You have the opportunity to get the New and Improved, Expanded Gold Edition of THE SACRED MAGIC OF THE ANGELS today. And knowing how many people will read this letter in the coming days, I can’t say how long it’ll be, before everything is gone.
     So please, if you are facing hard times. If you need a true helping hand.
Dedicated to Your Spirit,
Benjamin Philips
Publisher - Rising Phoenix Foundation
       P.S. Important Note: There are only 500 copies of THE SACRED MAGIC OF THE ANGELS. You need to act TODAY to secure your copy of this Manual on the Sacred Magic. And get all the Bonus Gifts ($97 Value) FREE. 
      P.P.S. Try THE SACRED MAGIC OF THE ANGELS in the privacy of your own home. For as long as you wish. Entirely at my risk. If you are not completely delighted the Sacred Angelic Science of Magic, if you are not pleasantly stunned beyond belief. Simply return THE SACRED MAGIC OF THE ANGELS at any time, and every cent of you purchase will be refunded immediately. Without quibble or question.
     What could be fairer?
     Are you tired of struggling through life?
     Have nowhere to turn? 
    Tired enough of failing conventional medicines or failing conventional techniques to help with your problems – be they money worries, health problems, or rocky relationships. If so, why not try this Sacred Magic without risking a penny, today?


Don’t Live with Regrets 

     You have the chance to change everything in YOUR favor. 

    The Sacred Angels are ready to help you. 

     They want to hear from you. Don’t disbelieve yourself, thinking this isn’t for you. As in many of the stories I’ve already mentioned, many of the people didn’t believe the Angels would care to reach out and help THEM. And what a shock they got when signs and RESULTS started appearing. 

    So why not ask the Angels to help you? You can sleep with peace of mind – knowing someone is looking after you. With certainty. Hold your head up high. With a big smile on your face.
     Sacred Magic of the Angels shows you elegant, safe, quick and easy ways to work WITH the Angels.
    Discover beauty, grace, and MAGIC in YOUR life. You do have the right to be happy. You do have to power to make it happen.
     P.P.P.S. THE SACRED MAGIC OF THE ANGELS has helped thousands of people. You’ve heard from some of them in this letter. Even today, I hear from people who apply the Magic of the Great Angels. They use it in every aspect of their lives. Now, you have the option to use the same Angelic Magic to help you. Of course the final decision is yours. I am only here to present you with the facts. You can face the problems of life without Sacred Magic, doing the same things you’ve been doing. Or you can try something simple, easy and safe.
     The final decision is naturally yours – Click here if you’re ready to begin with THE SACRED MAGIC OF THE ANGELS
*Some names have been changed to protect the privacy of those who’ve used the Sacred magic.

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238 pages of wisdom to help you connect with and get help from the Great Teaching Angels.

   Diagrams, illustrations, meditations - everything you need to start working with the Angels, today.

Audio Meditations by David Goddard ($47 Value) FREE TODAY

David Goddard speaks each meditation in the SACRED MAGIC OF THE ANGELS book. Recorded so you can tap into the cosmic energies of the Angels of Light.

Ten audio track CD included in the back of SACRED MAGIC OF THE ANGELS

2019 & 2020 Moon Calendar ($15 Value) FREE TODAY 

The 2019 (and also the 2020) Moon calendar to help you know when the bests times are to connect with specific Angels of Light.

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Even total novices can rely on the help from the Angels. 
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They're all in this easily find downloadable guide. *Downloadable

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